The hard work and unpredictability that makes parenting so rewarding can also cause a great deal of anxiety. Here are some simple ways to bring yourself to a place of calm. Make a To-Do ListRuminating on worries can cause lots of stress. Clear your mind by making a to-do list. Put down everything that needs […]
How to Cope with the Stress and Anxiety Caused by COVID-19
If you’re like most people, you are doing your best to stay calm during COVID-19 pandemic. But that can feel incredibly difficult at times. When not worrying about friends and loved one’s health, there’s also the conflicting information provided by the media and the economic ramifications of the virus that have people on edge. Signs […]
Therapy for Divorce
When we say the words, “I do,” we never imagine that one day those words will turn into, “It’s over.” But the statistics point to the fact that many marriages do not make it. In fact, the CDC reports that 42% of marriages have a high probability of ending in divorce. Why Should You Consider […]
The Truth About Perfectionism
We live in a society that values things that appear perfect. And I suppose there are things that can be perfect. Architects can draw the perfect straight line, mathematicians can solve an equation with a perfect calculation, and a chocolate cake can be perfectly moist. But as human beings, we can never reach a state […]
The 5 Best Therapies for Those on the Autism Spectrum
Autism is a mental health disorder that affects both children and adults. It causes people to behave in certain ways that are considered “abnormal” and make interaction with others very difficult. While there is no cure for autism, there are treatments that have been shown to help people, including children, improve their social interactions. The […]
Afraid of Failure? Here’s Advice on Coping with Failure
Fear of failure causes us to put the brakes on our life. When we’re so afraid of failing at something, we either don’t try at all, or we subconsciously undermine our own efforts to avoid an even bigger failure. Without question, fear of failure is immobilizing and, when we allow it to dictate our choices and sit […]
What is Self-Esteem Counseling?
Most people recognize whether they have a high or low self-esteem. But what is self-esteem exactly and how does it impact our everyday life? Self-esteem is the degree to which we feel worthy, valuable and confident, and these feelings or beliefs greatly affect our well-being and social interactions. Low self-esteem is associated with feelings of […]
Helping Kids Cope with Divorce
Divorce isn’t easy for anyone, but children can take it particularly hard. Many children don’t understand what is happening and many more feel the divorce is somehow their fault. Here’s how you can help your child cope: Communicate Openly The divorce should be explained in simple and straightforward terms. If at all possible, both […]
Teaching Kids Mindfulness: The Benefits and Easiest Ways to Do It!
“Pay attention!” It’s a phrase that is uttered dozens of times a week (if not more) in households where children between the ages of two and 18 reside. How is it that when they WANT to, oh say when they are playing video games or watching cartoons, kids can have a tremendous attention span. But […]
How Learning Disabilities Affect a Child’s Mental Health
For many children and teens, learning disabilities are a frustrating part of life. Learning disabilities not only bring a sense of shame and isolation, but they can also lead to mental health issues in some children. What Are Learning Disabilities? According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a learning disability is any disorder […]